Thursday, December 28, 2006


Please be aware that these are tips and do not replace the TOS by adsense, but these tips may save your adsense account getting banned.
  • Don\'t change the adsense supplied code and formats: You are not allowed to alter the Google supplied Javascript in any way.
  • Do keep your click-through data and income private.
  • Don\'t display Adsense on registration or thank you pages.
  • Don\'t use Adsense code and a competitors content-targeted advertisement on the same page.
  • Don\'t encourage anyone else to click on ads: You must not have any kind of inducement to click or message asking for clicks on your site.
  • Don\'t use pop-ups or automatic software installations: This includes nasties like those automatic home page scripts or toolbar loaders etc..
  • Don\'t place ads on pages with prohibited content: This includes the usual like adult, hate, racist, gambling etc.. check the Google site for the full list.
  • Don\'t misuse the Google trademark: Be careful how you use the Google name and logo. If in doubt read the Google notices.
  • Do provide a good reader experience: Google expect a certain quality of page for their advertisers ads to appear on. Several pop-ups, scores of google ads and banners with a couple of lines of content will not endear you Google.
  • Be responsive: If you are contacted by Google you need to respond ASAP.
  • NEVER, ever click your own ads: No matter how interesting you find them. This is the easiest and quickest way to get yourself banned by Google. Just to be clear... NEVER, EVER CLICK YOUR OWN ADS.
  • Watch your click through rates: OK this isn\'t on the terms of service but it is pretty certain that Google monitors click through rates along with multiple clicks from the same IP to put up red flags against an account. (make sure you read the notes below!).

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