Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Gptreasure offers

Every time a new member registers in our website and mention your username in the "Referred By" field you get 10 cents!.
Payments will be made to the same E-gold / PayPal account you use to get paid by taking offers!
Payments for referrals aren't processed in 24-48 hours, but every Fridays (once in a week)
In order to get paid for your own referrals you must complete at least 1 offer!A member who gets referrals without completing an offer for 30 days will not get paid for his referrals!(The earnings in this case will be forfeit)
Do not try to sign up with 2 users and refer "yourself" - if we see abuse of this program we will stop it!Members caught cheating will be banned from our website! was closed for new registrations since December 3, 2006. We are glad to announce we have opened today our website for new registrations, all payouts from now on should be made quickly in 24-48 hours without any further delays. We will do all we can to serve you better, and we thank everyone for the patience with the upgrade that we did.
PicksPal & TraderNewsAlert are temporary paused by advertiser request, however there are some new offers for International & US members, check them out!

1 comment:

Neil Shaffer said...


My name is Neil Shaffer; I’m the affiliate manager at,
The biggest affiliate network for Binary Options and Forex.

I’d like to invite you to join us and enjoy the many advantages we give our affiliates

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I am available to you via email or Skype (aff.binaryoffers) for your convenience.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Best regards,
