Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process in which your Website undergoes redevelopment to properly and best communicate your keywords to search engines. In order for your Website to rank highly among major search engines, you must understand how they become ranked. Search engines rank Websites based on two major factors: Unique content with pertinent keywords in the body, and link popularity - the number of quality incoming links your Website has. Other important algorithms that determine your ranking with search engines are the architecture of the site, visibility of your content, underlying code and how natural your site appears to the engines.
Every Seo specialist needs to regularly monitor web site positioning in the major search engines. Manual checking is possible but this can occupy a significant amount of time. Seo Administrator software tool completely automates this chore and allows you to easily create convenient and informative site position reports in minutes. Currently, just a handful of search engines bring nearly all of the visitors to a website. Google is in first place, while Yahoo, MSN search and AOL search engines are also extremely popular
How To Seo :
  • Internal ranking factors
  • External ranking factors
- Internal ranking factors
  1. Amount of text on a page
  2. Number of keywords on a page
  3. Keyword density and seo
  4. Location of keywords on a page
  5. Text format and seo
  6. «TITLE» tag
  7. Keywords in links
  8. «ALT» attributes in images
  9. Description Meta tag
  10. Keywords Meta tag
  11. Site structure
  12. Number of pages
  13. Navigation menu
  14. Keywords in page names
  15. Avoid subdirectories
  16. One page – one keyword phrase
  17. Seo and the Main page
- External ranking factors
  1. Link importance
  2. Link text
  3. Relevance of referring pages
  4. Google PageRank
  5. Google PageRank
  6. Increasing link popularity

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